We were able to observe the the first ideas on the development of surface technology as early as 1999. We started to create and explore new surface properties. This developed into the n-tec GmbH with Jan Interwies and Michael Krupp. The company was founded in 2000 as a nano- technology center. The production facility, tech center and administration were spread out in three locations, Landshut, Regensburg and Rottenburg from 2000 to 2002. In 2002, the increasingly growing demands necessitated a concentration of the sites in Essenbach / Altheim. At the same time, nanoquadrat GmbH was established.
Then n-tec GmbH emerged in order to conduct stronger basic research and development, special applications and coating. In 2008, the growing space requirements for development and production as well as administration and sales resulted in the decision to expand our facility in Altheim / Essenbach. In 2010, the merger of two companies, nanoquadrat GmbH and n-tec GmbH, occurred in order to strengthen product diversity and use resources more optimally. Since 2011, production capacity expansion of both production and production areas has taken place. This is how one of the leading suppliers of advanced surface solutions standard-setting quality and groundbreaking innovation was created.